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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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How do I start a bet?

Starting a bet is easy!  Just log into the app and click on "New Bet".  Fill out the form and send the invite to the opponent.  Once they accept the invite, create an account and accept the bet, you are set!


How much does BetPals cost?

Nothing!  It's free to use and post videos.  If you need to pay up for a bet, the app opens up your native Venmo, Paypal or Cash App and you can pay your opponent from there!  No payments actually flow through the BetPals app.  


What kind of bets can I make?

The bets can be as creative as your imagination.  We do NOT allow bets that include nudity or illegal activities.  Videos that violate our posting guidelines and terms of use will be taken down and any illegal activity will be forwarded to the proper authorities. You can view our terms of use here.


Can I bet with more than one person?

Currently, you can only have one challenger per bet.  However, you can place multiple bets at a time.  All the bets that you currently have going on will be listed on your "current bets" screen.


How do witnesses work?

On every bet, you have the option to add a witness.  A witness can vote on the winner of the bet.  When a witness is involved, the bet cannot close until the witness has voted.  If the witness has not yet voted, you can change out the witness or remove them altogether in order to close the bet.


Do I have to post a video for the bet to close?

No, posting a video is optional and a bet can be completed without posting a video.  Once the video is uploaded, you will have a chance to replace or delete the video.  Only the originator of the bet will be able to post a video of the bet.  


What happens when an opponent doesn't settle?

All unsettled bets will have an "unsettled" flag in the "Past Bets" section.  You can send the opponent a reminder to settle the bet. The bet is only settled if the winner of the bet marks the bet as "settled".  Because bets are settled outside of the BetPals system, BetPals cannot track whether any payments were made or if any IOUs were completed.  You should only bet with friends that you know will pay up!


How do I delete my account?

A user can delete their account at anytime inside the App.  Go to the account page in the lower right corner of any page (it looks like a person with a circle around it).  From the account page select "Settings".  On the settings page select "Delete my account".  Once you delete your account, all your information is removed.  We do not retain any of your personal information in our App after an account is deleted. 


More FAQs to come!

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