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Illustrated Waves
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Settle it with BetPals!

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About BetPals

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Compete with your Friends 

Bet your friends on ANYTHING, ANYWHERE and at ANY POINT IN TIME.  Settle it with a cash transfer (via Venmo, PayPal or Cashapp) or an IOU.  Upload your video for bragging rights on the BetWall and keep track of your domination on the BetPals app!

Students Between Classes
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Our BetPals

Learn more about BetPals from our user community and watch live bets, vote on who will win, and invite your friends to get in on the fun!


Atlanta, GA

My friends and I are very competitive and always challenging each other.  Now, we can make the challenges more interesting by putting something on the line with BetPals!  It's so easy to use!

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Austin, TX

So much fun!  Betting with my family and friends and being able to brag about it on the BetWall is so cool!

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Atlanta, GA

I make bets with my buddies all the time and they never pay up!  Now I can track all those bets, save the videos and bug them if they don't pay up!

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Invite A Friend 

Are you a winner? Invite your pals and prove who's best!

Illustrated Waves

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